Connected Nation States Surpass National Average in Broadband Adoption

Broadband Adoption Rate in Connected Nation States Surges to 76%, More Than Twice the National Adoption Growth Rate Since 2010

States with Connected Nation programs surpass the national average in broadband adoption, according to figures released today. In the eight states surveyed, the broadband adoption rate for 2013 was 76%, surpassing the national average of 70% estimated by the Pew Research Center. Growth of broadband adoption was also higher in Connected Nation states, with an increase of 11% points since 2010 compared to the national growth rate of only 4% points during that same timeframe.

The residential survey figures are being released in conjunction with the 2014 Broadband Communities Summit being held in Austin, TX this week.

“These strong findings show that the work we are doing to promote broadband access, adoption, and use is producing concrete results,” said Connected Nation President Tom Ferree. “But that work is not done. With millions of adults and children still on the wrong side of the digital divide and unable to take full advantage of the economic and educational benefits of broadband, it is vital that we redouble our efforts to meet our mission.”

Connected Nation is working in nine states and the territory of Puerto Rico to promote broadband access, adoption, and use through the State Broadband Initiative (SBI) program. Connected Nation conducted the surveys in late 2013 in Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas.

The survey data are available via an interactive widget on the Connected Nation website where viewers can compare adoption rates since 2010, track the growth in mobile adoption during that time, examine barriers to adoption, and see results by Connected Nation state.

Among other key findings of the 2013 residential survey are:

  • 32% of working-age adults would have difficulty with digital skills required by many employers, such as creating a spreadsheet, going online from a mobile device, using a word processor, or sending an e-mail.
  • 35% of non-adopters cite a perceived lack of relevance as the primary barrier to adopting broadband, followed by cost (21%), and lack of digital literacy skills (12%).
  • Mobile broadband usage in Connected Nation states was at 58% in 2013, compared to 30% in 2010.

Connected Nation’s 2013 Residential Technology Assessment was conducted in late 2013 and includes responses from 9,675 residents. Connected Nation conducted these residential surveys as part of the SBI grant program, funded by the National Telecommunications and Information Administration. The SBI grant program was created by the Broadband Data Improvement Act, unanimously passed by Congress in 2008 and funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act in 2009.

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About Connected Nation: Connected Nation is a leading technology organization committed to bringing affordable high-speed Internet and broadband-enabled resources to all Americans. Connected Nation effectively raises the awareness of the value of broadband and related technologies by developing coalitions of influencers and enablers for improving technology access, adoption, and use. Connected Nation works with consumers, community leaders, states, and technology providers and foundations, including the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, to develop and implement technology expansion programs with core competencies centered on a mission to improve digital inclusion for people and places previously underserved or overlooked. For more information, please visit:

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