Leading Intellectual Property Experts Discuss Ethics in IP Practice

How should lawyers address ethical concerns over biotechnology patents or copyright trolling? Leading intellectual property law experts will discuss these and more ethical issues within the IP legal practice when the Center for Intellectual Property, Information & Privacy Law at The John Marshall Law School presents “Ethics in the Practice of IP Law.”

Topics will address:

  • “Ethics for IP Lawyers: Lessons from the Movies”
  • “Ethical Issues in Biotechnology Patent Law”
  • “Conflicts and Waivers in Patent Law”
  • “Ethical Issues in Patent and Copyright Trolling Litigation”
  • “What IP Lawyers Should Know About ARDC Proceedings and Client Complaints”
  • “Spoliation Issues in IP Cases”

Registrations are being accepted at http://events.jmls.edu/registration/node/546

What: Intellectual property law experts
Where: The John Marshall Law School, 315 S. Plymouth Court, Chicago, IL 60604
When: 9 a.m. – 1:30 p.m., April 24, 2014
How Much: $195 for this program; CLE ethics credit is pending

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