How To Set Up A Shop Or An Establishment In India by VakilSearch

The shop and establishment act plays an important role in realizing the work area, job security, and workplace safety of the workers and employees. It sets the regulations related to the working conditions and ensures easy implementation of the laws. Here is how you can apply for the shop and establishment registration in India.

The shop and establishment act came into force to regulate the working conditions of employees in India. This includes payment of wages, work hours, terms of service and other work-related conditions of employees.

Any shop or establishment must register themselves within thirty days of establishment. This is one of the most important regulations for most businesses.


This act includes all establishments like theatres, eateries, hotels, amusement parks, shops, retail/trade business. Businesses must declare the following aspects for their employees under this act:

  • ·     Working hours
  • ·     Rest interval given to employees
  • ·     Opening and closing hours
  • ·     Health and safety measures
  • ·     Wages for overtime work
  • ·     National and religious holidays

This act applies to all states but the exact rules governing the act may vary from state to state. However, every shop has to register for a license under this act in every state.

Factories are not covered in this act and are registered separately under the Factories Act of 1948.

Every other establishment needs to be registered under the shop and establishment act, be it a residential hotel or anything that exists for public amusement.

When You Need To Register Your Shop:

When a business entity starts employing full time, contract or casual workers, they would need to register their establishment under the Shop and Establishment Act within thirty days of starting, in order to ensure proper regulations for workers’ rights and work conditions.

The shop and establishment registration is required while establishing any commercial place and is a state-based registration for which rules vary depending on the state in question. The commercial establishments included in this act are as follow:

  • ·     Commercial sector establishments like trading, insurance, or banking organizations.
  • ·     Establishments where people are employed to provide services or do office work
  • ·     Refreshments house, small cafes, boarding houses, hotels, eateries etc.
  • ·     Entertainment and amusement establishments like cinema halls, theatres, amusement parks, etc.

All of the above types of establishments must adhere to the guidelines and rules listed down by the shop and establishment act for the regulation of work for employees.

There may be some exceptions to these rules in different states, and a list of all the establishments that fall under the act are given by every state for the ones who are required to register their businesses by the state.

This registration is mandatory, one of the most important reasons for it being mandatory being that, without it, a shop or business owner would not be able to open a current account in a bank. The shop and establishment act license forms a basic license and a proof of your business to apply for other registrations required to run a business in India.

How To Apply For Registration:

The rules and regulations within the act are different in every state but the basic essence of the act remains the same. The procedure for applying for registration also remains the same from state to state.

This act requires every business to get approval from the Department of Labour. The registration certificate can be obtained from the Chief Inspector of Shops and Establishment Act or from other inspectors delegated to the area where you run your establishment.

The inspector in charge would need an application in the prescribed format obtained from the official website of a particular state along with the following documents:

  • ·     The name of the establishment
  • ·     Name and details of the owner(employer) and employees at the time of incorporation of the establishment.
  • ·     The address of the establishment and a copy of a sale deed or rental agreement of the establishment.
  • ·     Pan card of the business owner

All of the above details need to be submitted to the inspector along with the prescribed fees.

Additionally, you would also have to submit some more details:

  • ·     Manager and employer’s name
  • ·     Establishment’s postal address
  • ·     Establishment’s name
  • ·     Category of establishment
  • ·     Number of employees

The state government’s website is the best way to apply for shop and establishment registration. Once the application is received, the inspector checks the details, makes a visit to the establishment if required and would provide a registration certificate under the act.

This registration certificate needs to be on display in the shop and in case any periodic changes, such as an increasing number of employees, are made to the establishment, the certificate needs to be renewed. The certificate will need to be renewed when it expires as well.

This act is mandatory for all shop and business owners. Any changes made need to be initiated to the inspector within fifteen days of the said change or closure.

Any businesses that have an office or even freelancers operating from home and are planning to raise investment through bank loans or from venture capitals require a license or registration to prove their validity. In major cities, the hard copy of the certificate is provided within ten days post-registration, while in other places, the procedure can take from fifteen to twenty days.

There are several benefits of getting your shop or establishment registered under the shops and establishments act.

  • ·     The license will help the owner get a current account with a bank.
  • ·     The owner will be at ease in case of an unexpected visit from the inspector of the state
  • ·     The registration can be renewed easily online and with minimal fee without any hassle.
  • ·     Online shop registration is a quick and easy process.

The owners of such establishments can also contact companies like Vakil Search that offer legal counsel through legal experts and advocates and can help them get the registration done in no time and without much effort. This will make the whole thing a lot easier for you, as you would have experts at your service.

We hope that this simplifies the process of setting up license and registration for your shop. It is a mandatory act and hence we want your efforts for it to be as smooth as possible so that you can have a license and focus fully on running your business smoothly.

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