Secure your holiday home today to save thousands in the future

Many of us have a perception that holiday homes located in luxurious, instagrammable or rural locations are commonly crime-free. This common belief can easily leave you with huge out of pocket expenses without you even knowing it. By securing your holiday home now with a couple of hundred dollars will save you thousands in the future.

Secure your entry with a keyless door lock.

Having a keyless smart door lock  is one of the quickest and easiest ways of securing your holiday home. Smart locks ensures only your guests, maintenance and property manager (and whoever else you need) to have access to your property. Set up temporary or permanent access with a unique PIN for each individual booking you have. By controlling who has access from the app, it means you can revoke access instantly if you decide to change cleaners, plus it means no unauthorised entries from guest outside of the booked stay. Using smart door locks means no more changing the keys and locks, worrying over keys getting copied, or keys getting lost.

Get notified, install a camera outside.

Get yourself a high definition smart camera , with a simple to use a smartphone app. Install the camera directly in front of your entrance, so you can clearly see who is coming and going. Cameras with motion detection are perfect for holiday homes, they begin recording immediately and notify you at the same time.

Using smart cameras in this way can act as a deterrence for guests who wish to host big and unruly parties.


Get rid of neighbour complaints

Loud guests are terrible for neighbourly relations. So by installing this noise monitor by Minut, means you can act before the complaints begin. Minut records and alerts you if there is a spike in noise level and also temperature. What's even better with this, is it does not record conversations nor collect footage, so it's the perfect answer to ensure you stay on the right side of privacy.

Light the way.

Install motion sensor spotlights around the house. These types of spotlights come in handy when there is no one staying at the property for nights at a time. Why? It removes all possible dark hiding spots. Additionally, having lighting on the outside of your property illuminates the way for your guests, especially when the terrain is uneven. It will also minimise the risk of your guests trampling all over your well-kept garden or tripping over a small but deceptive step or rock.

What do you have there?

Lastly, keep a record of what you have in your holiday home. It helps in making insurance claims easier if something is stolen or broken. You can do this by taking photos of your belongings in their rightful place around the home and taking serial numbers of all your electronics. 

You've spent hundreds of thousands of dollars acquiring your investment property, don't let the security of your property down by not investing in the right security. 

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Secure Your WorldSecure Your World
Category: Locksmith Profile: Secure Your World was created out of sheer frustration that we couldn’t find the best security products and services we needed to stay safe. We bring together the best security products, independent advice and qualified installers to make securing your home, business, caravan or anything else simple. Products such as Igloohome and Reolink to make your home secure with the best in smart technology. Our mission at Secure Your World is to help all Australians to banish the fear, to be protectors ...
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