Busisoft AV lands New Zealand exclusivity for Portugal’s Vicoustic


BusiSoft AV has been appointed as the official distributor of Vicoustic for New Zealand, effective 1 July 2021. Founded in Portugal, Vicoustic is the world leader in sustainable acoustic treatment innovations for recording studios, hi-fi rooms, home cinemas, offices, restaurants and schools.

Vicoustic understands sound – and they know what makes a truly exceptional acoustic and audio experience. Being at the forefront of acoustic technology, they combine engineered systems with stunning design to bring users sound that is free of compromises, but full of high quality performance.

A leading force in the industry, founded in 2007, Vicoustic is found in over 70 countries around the world. They understand the unique sound dynamics of a room or venue. So whether it’s a Home Cinema Hi-Fi or a professional sound system for radio and television, their expertise for peak acoustic performance is second-to-none.

The products from Vicoustic deliver clever and innovative solutions to meet the demands of spaces which require a sophisticated soundscape. Taking on board the high standards of their customers, Vicoustic continuously strive to manufacture products of superior functionality, adaptability, but all the while with a sustainable and environmentally conscious mind-set.

Vicoustic creates an environmentally responsible culture that contributes to the improvement of the sustainable performance of their activity.

The brand favours the adoption of environmentally friendly products, adopting good practices to reduce waste and to forward waste to licensed operators.

“BusiSoft AV is excited to take charge of Vicoustic and establishing the brand in New Zealand,” says George Poutakidis, CEO, BusiSoft AV, “Following success in Australia last year, we think now is the perfect time for the Vicoustic brand to generate a strong customer following in New Zealand.”

Vicoustic products will be available at selected dealers and experience centres across New Zealand. For the nearest Vicoustic retailer please contact George Poutakidis, CEO, BusiSoft AV, on +613 9810 2900.

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