SharePoint Migration: risk mitigation plan

A personalized SharePoint Migration guide plays a vital role while gearing up for any kind of migration. It is important to analyze the need.

Creating a personalized SharePoint Migration guide or migration strategy plays a vital role while gearing up for any kind of migration. Thus, it is important to analyze all the expectations that a client is looking for in order to plan a seamless one.

The major SharePoint Migration evaluation Criteria include-

Migration Speed

Data Security

Down-Time loss


Failure Management

Since these are quite important aspects that must be addressed right at the time of choosing your SharePoint Migration tool to ensure its suitability, it is a better approach to just explore the efficiency of the migration plan and expected execution as well. Let’s list out some parameters that can indicate how efficient your migration process can be and also the major factors to determine its success.

Parameters to determine SharePoint Migration Efficiency

While the volume of the migration plays a significant role, picking up the perfect timing and suitable migration speed assumes a significant part in the successful execution of the SharePoint migration plan.  These information can be of incredible assistance to design and upgrade the entire migration plan in the best manner possible.

While we at Saketa have tried running several test migrations in order to arrive to the best migration solutions that can guarantee the perfect results to our clients, it is important to keep working towards improving each Version of our SharePoint Migration Tool  to fit in every kind of emerging scenarios, applied uniformity cannot be established in every migration project. In such a condition, we cannot prototype the migration performance across different environments.">image" alt="SharePoint Migration Strategy" width="840" height="525" class="" data-opt-lazy-loaded="true" data-opt-otimized-width="840" data-opt-optimized-height="525">

Here are some of the migration parameters that must be taken care of to ensure a perfect SharePoint Migration experience-

1. Migration Speed

From our years of migration experience, we can enlist a number of factors that usually affect the speed in any migration project :

  • Content volume
  • Attributes such as permissions, metadata, etc.
  • Hardware requirements
  • Throttling Restrictions
  • Governance Level

You must evaluate these aspects and choose the migration tool that can eliminate the shortcomings posed by these factors.

2. Migration Process Efficiency

Migration process efficiency and job uptime have a significant impact on the migration duration. Every organization wants to make sure that migration is running at full capacity with high accuracy. Migration job failure rate too must be minimized as much as possible. Here are the major factors that need to be taken care of during a Microsoft 365 migration.

3. Architecture and Capacity

Different SharePoint  versions have their own sets of pros and cons that need to be considered minutely. Every process needs appropriate infrastructural support to be productive. Your chosen migration tool must have the right infrastructural features to maximize your migration success. It should allow a great user experience accompanied by the least throttling effect.

This will ensure minimum error rate, minimized downtime, and eventually, greater productivity.

Strategizing a Perfect Sharepoint Migration Plan

4. Downtime Loss Minimization

Once your migration architecture is satisfactory, you can proceed towards mitigating the downtime loss. Incremental migration or migration scheduling  can work wonders to save precious business time and plan migration downtime when the traffic is low.

This will enable the technical team to focus on set up and troubleshooting whenever they feel it to be convenient.

5. Reduced Failure Rate

Migration Errors can turn out to be major setbacks if not handled properly. Higher frequency of timeout and failure rates may require re-run for the whole process. This can be a major money-burning experience. While some errors might be unavoidable, a proper premigration and postmigration check can always prove to be of help. Your SharePoint migration guide must contain pointers to overcome such failures tactfully.

Therefore, it’s important to ensure a good error reduction and risk mitigation plan  in place. An efficient Failure reporting mechanism too must be in place.


Finally, what we expect from our migration project is to run smoothly. Focusing on efficiency rather than the mere parameters like time taken can be a great start to improve your migration experience. Just wisely schedule your downtime, avoiding throttling, and managing the errors.

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