Why Startups Should Consider Flutter for Mobile App Development?

Mobile Application News

In this mobile era, mobile development has become an important way to earn billions for businesses. And for startups who want a faster market time, developing cross-platform apps is a great option.

In recent times, Flutter has been proving itself as one of the most popular cross-platforms used in the technology world. However, the question is "Should startups select Flutter app development?" 

In this blog, we'll look at the reasons why startups should go for Flutter mobile app development.

Why Startups Must Go For Flutter App Development? 7 Facts

1. Flutter Multiplies the Developer's Productivity by 10 Times

Does not matter whether you're an entrepreneur or a startup, if there is a single thing we all are most concerned about, it is money. When it is about app development, time is money. So remember, the longer the development of your app will take the more expensive it will be. However, startups can save huge money when they select Flutter app development for their project. 

Flutter is built with the "Hot Reload" feature that enables developers to instantly make changes to the backend.

This eliminates the need for recompilation, which ultimately cuts the development time of apps down by a huge amount. This well-known feature of Flutter allows developers to view the impact of changes they have made to their code. By using the Hot Reload feature of Flutter, developers can make changes easily in real-time.

2. Users can Build Multiple Applications Via a Single Codebase

To launch your application to App Store, Google Play Store, or both, Flutter allows you to build functional applications by using only a single code. And the app will seamlessly run across all platforms. You can bring your application concept to life across multiple platforms without having to hire Flutter app developers separately for different tasks. 

Also, Flutter offers an affordable method of creating apps for multiple channels, without impacting your app quality. While developing an app using Flutter, all you have to do is to hire best Flutter app developers or a company and get started.

3. Flutter Ensures Great Design Experience 

Material Design with Flutter's partnership has developed a unique system that guarantees a solid user experience. Furthermore, with Flutter app development users get different iOS and Android powerful widgets that give a native mobile application experience.

Flutter's widget catalog Flutter gives you a broad range of cross-platform apps. These aren't just used to display views but also for the full screen and even the application itself. So hire best Flutter app developers and use Flutter's widgets to develop a smooth, clean app without any effort.

4. Users get Accessibility of Different Themes

It's true that Flutter assists you in developing multiple apps using a single code base. However, what happens if you require different themes for different applications?

Well, Flutter offers you diverse themes to choose from for various applications to give you the best user experience on various operating systems. 

So when startups hire Flutter app developers then the team gets access to different themes for iOS & Android. It will make the project even better.

5. Integration with Google's Firebase

Firebase is Google's platform for mobile apps, which offers services, including cloud storage, real-time databases, etc at one place. It makes the Flutter app development process much easier and faster.What more can startups demand for? 

When creating apps, developers have to develop their own tools to provide backend support. However, if developers integrate Firebase together with the other applications, they will be able to automatize the development process.

6. Flutter is Best for MVP Development

As a start-up, if you're struggling to meet your funds and are facing high expenses for mobile app development then Flutter is your top choice. Flutter app development  can assist you in developing an app easily even when you have a limited budget, resources, and time.

Google's Flutter offers Hot Reload feature and supports 2D GPU APIs. All these make UI animation seamless and super attractive. The entire set of such features makes Flutter an extremely popular choice for developers and increases the user experience.

7. Rapid Development and Less Testing

Companies that develop mobile apps using Flutter app development can reuse their app code. It only requires translating the codes into various programming languages instead of creating them from scratch. This means that they can save some time and effort to write codes for various applications. 

Written codes can later be utilized with various plugins, which in turn saves time for development. Talking about Quality Assurance, just a single deep QA will be sufficient to check the Flutter app's functions, features, and programs.

Why is it a Great Idea for Startups to Choose Flutter?

Here are additional reasons that explain why Flutter app development is best for Startups.

  • Startups do not have to be concerned about spending money as Flutter is a completely free and open-source platform. This means they won't be required to pay for any license charges.
  • It is a one-stop-shop that covers everything, from design to shipping. Startups just have to hire best Flutter app developers and get everything done in less time.
  • Engineers can make use of international Flutter libraries to restrict applications to certain regions based on the type of text, language preferred format, and language.
  • You'll reduce development costs because you won't have to contribute to each platform individually.
  • A variety of modules are available which makes development interaction simpler, quicker, and smooth.
  • Flutter app development is quite easy to grasp and program.

Some Last Words

We've provided every single aspect of what makes Flutter an ideal framework for developing apps for startups. With hundreds of startups coming up every year, it can be difficult to stand apart in this competitive market. So, if you're planning to create a feature-rich and inexpensive app then hire best Flutter app developers to get started.

Author’s Bio

Erma Winter is an expert at MobileCoderz, an established Android App Development Company. With 12 years of expertise, she has worked with big startups and SMEs. Going above professionalism, she loves to read mystery novels and write poems.

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