Everything You Need To Know About SSL

secure SSL

One of the principal considerations for all website owners is the safety of their target audience. Whether you run a large eCommerce platform or a small personal blog, customers and readers expect your website to provide a secure connection. For this reason, all website proprietors need a solution that ensures their audience can safely interact with the site without any risks.

An excellent answer to this need for website security is getting a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate. An SSL certificate provides a layer of protection to your website, enabling secure connections between the host site and visitors. While it is often a paid service, site owners can also get Free SSL web hosting from various service providers. 

Most internet users are likely to exit a website if it doesn't provide a safe connection. To help you avoid losing precious online traffic, here's everything you need to know about SSL and how it can benefit your site. 

What Is SSL? 

Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) is a standard technology that establishes secure connections between the host (a web server) and the client (a web browser). SSL enhances a website's security by providing two significant features: encryption and authentication.

Encryption is the process of obscuring data from various parties, making it unreadable without particular knowledge.

For this reason, the information sent between SSL-enabled websites and web browsers is indistinct to others. On the other hand, unencrypted websites transmit data in plaintext, making them subject to monitoring.

Similarly, authentication is the validation of the identity of a website. Therefore, authentication helps prove that a site is what it claims to be. When internet users access your site using an SSL connection, they can rest assured that they are not viewing an impostor's website. 

What is an SSL certificate?

To enable SSL for your website, you must obtain and install an SSL certificate. This digital certificate allows for an encrypted connection and validates the site's identity. Without this certificate, essential information transferred between your website and users can be accessed by anyone. 

Users can tell if a site is SSL-enabled if their web browsers display a lock icon on the address bar. Another indication of websites that have an SSL connection is that their URLs begin with HTTPS://, which stands for (HyperText Transfer Protocol Secure). 

How do SSL certificates work?

SSL works by ensuring that data transmitted between connections is impossible to read. The method rearranges data in transit using encryption algorithms. This data usually includes sensitive information like financial details, addresses, and names. 

Here's a step-by-step process of how the SSL procedure works. 

  1. A browser attempts to connect to a website.
  2. The browser then requests the identity of the desired web server.
  3. After that, the web server responds with a copy of the SSL certificate.
  4. The browser authenticates the SSL certificate.
  5. If the certificate is reliable, the browser notifies the web server and transmits a digitally signed confirmation to begin an SSL encrypted session.
  6. The browser and the web server can then continue to share encrypted data. 

Even though it can appear drawn out and complex, this procedure only takes a few milliseconds. The SSL certificate contains several pieces of information that help verify the website. Although this data varies depending on the type of SSL certificate, a few things are universal regardless of the SSL type. 

These include;

  1. The site's official domain name
  2. The recipient of the SSL certificate
  3. The SSL certificate provider and their digital signature
  4. The certificate's date of issue and expiry

Types of SSL Certificates

There are several types of SSL certificates, each with varying degrees of security and validation. Therefore, while we can agree that all websites need an SSL certificate, the one to choose depends on the level of protection the site requires. Here's a look at some of the most prevalent types of SSL certificates. 

Domain Validated (DV) 

A DV is one of the least expensive and easy to obtain SSL certificates. When getting a DV SSL certificate, website owners only need to prove that they own the domain. This verification can be as simple as responding to an email or phone call. 

However, the drawback of DV SSL certificates is that they provide the least amount of website security. For this reason, they are often used for websites that don't involve data collection and online payment. 

Organization Validated (OV)

 Unlike the DV SSL certificate, website owners must complete a substantial validation process to get an OV SSL certificate. These SSL certificates also have a significantly higher price tag than the former. 

 OV SSL certificates ensure that the data shared between the site and web users remain confidential. They also display the website owner's information in the address bar to distinguish it from malicious sites. 

Extended Validation (EV)

 An EV SSL certificate is the best choice for websites that collect highly-sensitive information like financial data. It is the highest-ranking and most expensive type of SSL certificate. For this reason, it also takes longer to obtain them.

 Website owners must undergo a standardized identity verification process to confirm they are legally authorized to have the exclusive rights of the domain. The EV SSL certificate displays a padlock sign, HTTPS, the business's name, and country of operation on the address bar. All this information helps distinguish the website from ingenuine sites, helping users avert any risks. 

Why Your Website Needs an SSL Certificate

 SSL certificates have been an essential part of eCommerce websites for eons. However, they have become commonplace among other sites, even those that don't process financial information. Here are some benefits to making sure your website has an SSL certificate.

It Improves Your Site's Security

 An SSL certificate primarily serves to enhance the security of your website. This is particularly vital for sites that handle sensitive data, like eCommerce websites that collect financial information from customers. An SSL certificate is also necessary for medical websites that source and share personal information about patients.

Without an SSL connection, hackers can access all this information and use it against the website's visitors. Therefore, getting an SSL certificate is crucial for keeping internet users safe when visiting and interacting with your website. 

An SSL Certificate Is Excellent For SEO

Another reason why your website needs an SSL certificate is that Google and other major search engines favor SSL-secured websites. Therefore, an SSL certificate can help your site rank higher in search engine results. Although this may not be as powerful for SEO as creating excellent content or building links, it is still a significant ranking factor. 

Bottom Line

SSL certificates are incredibly significant for all websites that collect information from their visitors. They help prevent unauthorized access to web users' data and can also help build the credibility of a website. Therefore, acquiring one for your website should be a top priority.

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