Automated Testing of Salesforce


What is Salesforce? Salesforce is known for its cloud-based customer relationship management (CRM) platform that helps every type of industry to integrate with the new age technologies, such as cloud, blockchain, artificial intelligence, etc., to interlink, the sales, marketing, commerce, service, and IT teams so that they can work from anywhere and anytime to fulfil the customer requirements.

Furthermore, Salesforce is globally famous for its CRM system. Continuous innovation and commitment are the main reasons for salesforce's popularity. But testing is one of the significant issues in Salesforce, but fortunately, automated testing Salesforce is one of the best ways to overcome this problem. So, here you will understand salesforce, salesforce testing, automated salesforce testing, challenges, and critical pillars to implement salesforce testing.

Let's Understand Salesforce Testing

It refers to automating the Salesforce with the help of automation tools to remove errors, prevent repetitiveness, and minimize human interruption is known as Salesforce automation testing. The process of automated Salesforce testing is done because of the below-given reasons:-

  • To recognize bugs in the Salesforce cloud
  • To verify the quality of existing functionality
  • To carry out regression testing
  • Less manual intervention
  • Improved efficiency and productivity
  • Automation of routine task

How Automated Salesforce Testing Can Help


The feature of automation reduces human error. The testers cannot learn or remember all the test suite cases they have done in the past. So, here automated Salesforce testing comes into the picture, and it executes the tasks automatically on behalf of the tester. Due to all this, the chances of human error get minimized, and the testing process speeds up.


Salesforce releases many updates and customization features to keep pace in this competitive market. To streamline the innovation, a lot of money is spent on every release, and automation testing will help minimise the amount spent on every release.

Improved Productivity of Staff

The process of test automation frees up the staff. For instance, the employees can focus on other aspects of the quality assurance process. Automation also aids in a consistent approach to testing.

Challenges in Test Automation of Salesforce

Regular updates take place in Salesforce which becomes challenging to deliver the updates to the user. Let's have a look at the major challenge in Salesforce.

Technical Challenges

  • Different tabs regulate the complex handling of a dynamic database that comprises tables and those tables
  • The dynamic pop-ups and shadow DOM require coding, so it becomes quite tricky in the process of automation testing
  • The complex interface of the cloud makes the process of automation tough
  • The dynamic elements of salesforce comprise no fixed attributes

Other Challenges

  • The migration from the classic interface to a lighting interface requires a lot of effort, which makes the testing a tedious process
  • The adoption of new age technologies, such as mobiles, web, and wearables, in testing through Omni channels.

Key Pillars to Implement Framework of Salesforce Testing

Less Code for Test Scripting

This thing will help the team to build and change the application feature without the knowledge and experience in coding and programming.

Continuous Change Analysis

The analysis of continuous change in an organization will help the team to inspect the risk associated with the affected functionalities and test suites that may get altered.

The Capability of High-Test Coverage

It will ensure whether the SFDC UI and APIs are connected to the interfaces or not in automated salesforce testing.

Integration of the DevOps Toolchain

It enables the development team to run the tests as part of their committed workflow.

How Opkey Is the Best Platform for Automating Salesforce Testing

  • Opkey comprises the AI-powered automation tool that accelerates test creation compared to other tools. Also, it provides test automation in a codeless manner
  • It can test both the classic and lighting Salesforce interface with an exclusive test script without any dependency
  • It quickly generates the test cases with the help of the no-code platform feature.
  • It also simplifies the process of migration, implementation, and upgradation and accelerates it with a tool that is so intuitive that any organization can use it
  • Opkey is an enterprise-grade test automation solution that comes with encrypted in-flight data storage

Moreover, if you want to learn automated salesforce testing, then you can enrol in Opkey Certified Salesforce Automation Engineer. To learn more about automation testing, you can visit the website of Opkey.

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