Beat the Clock: How Streamlined Processes Can Save Employees Hours Each Day!


Are you tired of spending your days bogged down by administrative tasks and inefficient processes? Do you wonder if there is a better way to approach your work? According to a new study by TOPdesk, the answer is simple: do what you were hired to do.

The study surveyed information technology professionals in Australia and found that those who were very satisfied with their jobs spent less time on menial tasks and administrative to-dos. A staggering 83% of those surveyed reported spending an hour or more of their day on these low-value activities.

But it's not just a matter of freeing up time. The study also showed that poor processes and menial tasks harm job satisfaction, which in turn impacts productivity. Numerous studies have shown that improved job satisfaction leads to improved productivity, with estimates ranging from 6.6% to 31%.

The implications for Australian businesses are significant. With 86.16% of all respondents reporting their company's service management needs improvement and 23.58% very dissatisfied with their service management platform, there is a tremendous opportunity for streamlined processes and improved efficiency.

"Productivity is a key factor in the success of any organisation, and our study highlights the importance of providing employees with the tools they need to be able to focus on what they were hired to do rather than be swamped by inefficiencies and menial low-value-add activity," said Robert van der Gulik, Managing Director of TOPdesk Australia.

That's where TOPdesk's service management software comes in. Designed to streamline IT, facilities, and HR service delivery, TOPdesk's software can help organisations improve employee satisfaction and unlock productivity gains.

So if you're ready to break free from administrative to-dos and inefficient processes, check out TOPdesk's website at and see how their service management software can help you do what you were hired to do.

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