Ten Fun Ways to Learn American Sign Language (ASL)


American Sign Language (ASL) is one of the easiest languages to master quickly. Apart from enabling you to communicate easily with the deaf and hard-of-hearing community, it has plenty of other benefits.

Moreover, the process of learning ASL is way different than that of other languages because, unlike others, it makes little to no use of textual or audio content.

ASL learners indulge in various fun activities to grasp the language quickly – learn ten fun ways to smoothen your ASL learning journey. 

Join Online ASL Classes

You will find great resources online for learning ASL. Once you finish American sign language level 1 , you will see how easy mastering the rest of the course gets. 

Take things slowly at the start, and don’t move on to the next topic before you fully understand the ongoing one. 

Start or Become a Part of a Practice Group

You will not understand where you stand if you don’t practice your lessons regularly. Joining practice groups will allow you to test your skills with other learners and make great connections. 

Join Online ASL Chat Rooms

Similar to practice groups, ASL chat rooms are a great way to practice your ASL lessons while having fun at the same time. You can communicate with people from hard-of-hearing communities and fellow ASL learners and track your progress. 

Enroll In Local Silent Dinner Events

As the name suggests, in this event, you are required to use nothing other than sign language to order food and converse at a restaurant.

This is a great networking opportunity, and you will form great connections.

Watch ASL Movies

Watch ASL films to learn something out of the box. You can even use it to decode what you have already learned to test your abilities.

If you are in sign language level 1 and want to grow your interest more, this is a great way to keep going. 

Use ASL Flashcards

We all know how effective flashcards can be for learning and remembering new materials. Even if you cannot set out some time to practice ASL lessons one day, keep ASL flashcards handy and review them for 10 minutes for an effective learning session. 

Play Interactive Games

Games like ASL bingo, Pictionary, Charades, etc., are great ways to make the ASL learning journey fun and stimulate your brain. 

Sing Your Favorite Songs With ASL Signs

Once you reach a point where you can interpret enough words to converse in day-to-day life, sing your favorite songs with sign language. This will enable you to use your hands, facial expressions, and body language simultaneously faster and improve your skills with time. 

Incorporate Sign Language if Your Day-to-Day Life

You can still use ASL in your everyday life even if you don’t want to join chat rooms or practice groups. We all know that the rule inside theatres and libraries is to stay silent.

But there are times when it’s necessary to discuss certain topics. In such a case, you can use ASL to chat. 

Get Involved in Deaf Culture

The only way to learn any language fully is to engage with the natives, and with ASL, the rules are no different. Get involved in the deaf and hard-of-hearing community and embrace their culture. 


An American sign language certification  can benefit you in many ways – you will get great opportunities in your professional life and live to your fullest potential. Start this exciting journey at your earliest!

News From

Category: New Media Profile: ASL (CUDOO) offers online courses to introduce you to the world of deaf culture and American Sign Language. The videos and practice lessons in each course will help you review what you've learned. With this CPD-certified bundle, you will have access to a full range of online ASL courses. Over 100 hours of ASL learning content are available!
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