Interactive named one of Australia’s Best Places to Work for the second time in four years


Interactive has been recognised as a Wrk+ Best Place to Work finalist for the second time in four years. This accolade is a testament to the company's unwavering commitment to fostering a positive and thriving work environment for its employees.

The Best Place to Work award is based on a comprehensive employee satisfaction survey, which revealed an impressive 95 per cent of Interactive's team members wholeheartedly recommend the company as an outstanding place to work. This resounding endorsement highlights the exceptional workplace culture that Interactive has nurtured, making it a preferred choice for top talent in the technology industry.

One of the driving factors behind this award is Interactive’s dedication to providing outstanding career opportunities for its employees. Last year, 25 per cent of the team took on new roles within the organisation, demonstrating the strong focus on career growth and professional development.

Our maxim – keep technology human – is the guiding principle that ensures we put people at the centre of everything we do,” said Brendan Fleiter, Executive Chairman at Interactive. “Technology is a fast-moving sector, and so we recognise that our people need careers that match the rapid pace of growth in the industry.”

A standout feature of Interactive's employee growth program is its cutting-edge Ninja Academies – in-house training academies catering to critical areas of technology and aligning with the company's strategic growth priorities. The academies offer world-class content, technology certifications, social learning, and practical on-the-job applications to empower employees with the skills needed to excel in their roles.

We strive to go beyond the racks, the machines, and the data. While we are built on a foundation of technical expertise, we are made great by our peoples' innovative thinking and passion,” said Brendan.

Through Interactive's overarching ESG program, "Blueprint for Better" (B4B) initiative, the company is creating a positive impact on society and the environment.

Interactive recognizes its responsibility to be more humane and leverage technology for improvement. To this end, Interactive has taken significant steps to reduce its carbon footprint, committing to sourcing 100 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030, showcasing its dedication to sustainability and responsible waste management practices.

As part of the "Blueprint for Better" (B4B) initiative, Interactive has also launched the Pathways program, which aims to create entry points to the technology industry for underrepresented groups. The program's inaugural focus has been on running a successful initiative for mid-career women transitioning into the technology sector, empowering them to thrive in the dynamic field.

"We firmly believe our people are our greatest asset. This recognition as the Best Place to Work for the second time in four years is a testament to our ongoing efforts to nurture a culture of innovation, growth, and inclusivity," said Merylee Crockett, Chief People Officer at Interactive. "We are committed to providing unparalleled career opportunities and maintaining sustainable business practices that positively impact our employees, communities, and the environment."

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