Threat Horizons report - Google Cloud highlights key cyber threats

Cloud Computing News

Google Cloud has published its latest Threat Horizons Report, bringing decision-makers strategic intelligence on threats to cloud enterprise users.

Key takeaways from the report include:

  • Credentials factor into over half of incidents in Q1 2023
    • In Q1 2023 our Cloud incident response teams observed that credential issues continue to be a consistent challenge accounting for over 60% of compromise factors, which could be addressed by stronger identity management guardrails in place at the organisation level.
    • Misconfiguration accounted for 19% of compromise factors which were also associated with other compromise factors such as sensitive UI or APIs exposed which account.
    • An example of how these two factors are associated could include a misconfigured firewall that unintentionally provided public access to a UI.

Top risky actions that can lead to compromises: cross-project abuse of access token generation permission, replacement of existing compute disks/snapshots, service account key crea

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