PC Shipments in Indonesia Remained Muted in 1Q12 Amid Fuel Price Uncertainties, IDC Reports

According to IDC’s Asia/Pacific Quarterly PC tracker, the Indonesian PC market remained flat year-on-year (YoY) but grew 1.5% sequentially to reach 1.39 million units in 1Q12. While speculation on fuel price hike created uncertainties in the market, public sector projects, particularly in the education space, helped to keep the commercial segment going, while the banking and manufacturing verticals led demand in the private enterprise space.

"Despite the government's decision to delay fuel subsidy cuts, the issue has impacted consumer sentiments, which can be seen in the recent increase in commodity prices as Indonesians recognize that fuel price hike will eventually come through. This could potentially hurt consumer spending on IT in the upcoming quarters as priority will be given to necessities," says Adlina Adnan, Client Devices Market Analyst at IDC Indonesia.

“In 1Q12, the delayed decision on fuel price subsidies led to some delays in public sector projects as the government revised its budget plans. These projects are, however, expected to start rolling out in the second half of the year, which should keep the market moving towards a healthy double-digit YoY growth for 2012,” Deddie Sionader added, Market Analyst of Client Devices at IDC Indonesia

Acer remained ahead of its competitors by relying on its strong channel relationships and healthy inventory levels to boost shipments. ASUS continued to pursue its strategy of penetrating lower-tier cities with low-end notebook and mini notebook SKUs with good results. Toshiba too, adopted a similar strategy this quarter in an attempt to gain share in the growing PC market pie.

Figure 1

For more information about the research, please contact Yohansyah at +62-21 520-3496 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. To set up an interview with Adlina Adnan and Deddie Sionader, please contact Agita Saraswati at +6221-520-3496 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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For more information, contact:

Agita Saraswati
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Adlina Adnan
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Deddie Sionader
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