U.S. Government Agency Selects Kofax for Large Scale, Nationwide Capture Project

Software to Process over One Billion Documents Annually

Kofax plc (LSE: KFX), a leading provider of Capture Enabled BPM™ (business process management) solutions, today announced that an agency of the U.S. government has selected Kofax for a large scale, nationwide capture project. The value of the contract to Kofax is in the mid seven figure dollar amount.

The customer will implement Kofax Capture™, Kofax Transformation Modules™, Kofax Front Office Server™, Kofax Monitor™, Kofax Communication Server™ and Kofax TotalAgility™ to automate the capture and processing of more than one billion documents annually. The Kofax solution will enable the customer to process and then archive the resulting images and data for easy access by employees and other constituents.

"Such a significant transaction shows that major organizations recognize the value provided by Capture Enabled BPM solutions," said Alan Kerr, Executive Vice President of Field Operations at Kofax. "Our solutions leverage the secure, automated processing of documents to reduce costs and paper, enabling our customers to become more efficient and improve service to their constituents while delivering measurable ROI to the organization."

Kofax Capture™provides industry leading scan-to-archive capabilities by scanning documents and forms to create digital images, extracting index data for retrieval purposes and delivering the images and associated data to a variety of repositories and applications. This can significantly reduce retrieval costs while improving regulatory and compliance efforts. Kofax Capture is flexible and scalable, enabling customers to define where and how images are captured and indexed, whether in a home office, remote branch or back office data center.

Kofax Transformation Modules™(KTM) adds document classification, page separation, data extraction and validation capabilities to Kofax Capture to drive robust capture-to-process applications. By automating what were previously labor intensive, error prone and time consuming tasks, Kofax Transformation Modules can significantly reduce labor costs, improve information quality and accelerate business processes.

Kofax Front Office Server™extends existing Kofax Capture business processes to customer facing employees seeking to initiate transactions, workflows and capture processes at the earliest point of contact to leverage existing resources in remote or branch offices. This office automation solution reduces process latency and eliminates the time and cost of shipping documents to centralized processing centers.

The Kofax Communication Server™(KCS) enables the automated exchange of business critical information, linking both inbound and outbound services provided by devices such as fax and phone systems, media types that include email, FoIP, SMS, MMS, voicemail and telex, applications such as ERP, CRM and Kofax enterprise applications, and social collaboration tools.

Kofax Monitor™provides real time monitoring and performance capabilities to ensure the operational health of Kofax Capture, and advanced recognition and communication systems. It monitors the system's components, including scanners supporting Kofax VRS, and its business service viability, providing real time access to operational information so immediate corrective action is taken.

Kofax TotalAgility™provides a BPM and Dynamic Case Management platform that enables greater organizational agility and significant organizational gains through better management of processes. More efficient, flexible and better executed business processes mean lower costs plus greater and earlier ROI for the organization. TotalAgility provides capabilities for process design, automation, simulation, workflow control for managing human tasks, integration tools for linking business applications (ECM, CRM, Email) to processes and business rules.

About Kofax

Kofax plc (LSE: KFX) is a leading provider of Capture Enabled BPM™ (business process management) solutions. These award winning solutions capture and streamline the flow of business critical information throughout an organization in a more accurate, timely and cost effective manner, enabling our customers to be more responsive to their constituents and gain competitive advantage. Kofax solutions provide a rapid return on investment to thousands of customers in banking, insurance, government, healthcare, business process outsourcing and other markets. Kofax delivers these solutions through its own sales and service organization, and a global network of more than 800 authorized partners in more than 70 countries throughout the Americas, EMEA and Asia Pacific.

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